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Be A Mentee  | start living a better life for you

Our mentors are dedicated to helping you learn new skills, develop a new perspective on life and feel loved and to know you have a safe place where you belong. 


Your mentor is there to support you in prayer, hold you accountable, guide you in making informed decisions and connect you to resources.


The mentoring commitment is pone year. You will meet weekly for the first 6 weeks, so that you can get to know one another and set goals. After that time, you will assess how often to meet, but are encouraged to meet twice per month.


If you would like more information on joining the mentoring program, please contact us and put "Mentee Sign Up" in the subject.


"A new command I give you;

love one another.

As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."


John 13:34-35

Participant Testimontials  

"I am so glad I came to the classes. I was usually tired but never missed because I knew you all really cared about me and wanted to help me put my life together."

"I haven't had many women in my life that I could trust and who had my best interests in mind. My mentor made me see the goodness in people and feel good about myself. I looked forward to our talks and she really helped me think through my decisions in a new way." 

"This class got me energized and excited about life again. I had become depressed and felt like life was passing me by. Now, I know I can go out and make things happen."

"Thank you for never forgetting about me or being angry with me when I make bad decisions. Most people would have turned away from me, but you came to find me when I stopped coming to class and calling. I can't tell you how good it made me feel to know you loved me enough to come find me and make sure I was okay."

"I am amazed at how willing everyone with Caring Connections is willing to help connect me to resources and find ways to put my life on the right path. I feel special in this ministry."

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